Other reasons you get the above error are that Steam doesn’t have the required permissions to function, your game library is corrupt, Steam’s download cache is problematic, your antivirus has blocked your access to the game, and more.

Run Steam With Administrator Privileges on Windows 10/11

One way to fix Steam’s “Missing File Privileges” error is by running the app as an admin. When you do this, Steam gets all the privileges it needs to function fully on your Windows PC. Launching your apps with admin rights can fix nearly all permission-related issues. If Steam successfully launches your game in admin mode, ensure Windows always opens Steam with admin rights. Here’s how to do that. From now on, Steam will always launch with admin privileges when you run the app using your desktop shortcut. Note that this change won’t apply if you open the app from elsewhere, such as the Start menu.

Disable Intel’s igfxEM Module Process

Intel’s igfxEM Module process sometimes interferes with Steam’s functionality, preventing the app from launching your games. You can disable this process using your PC’s Task Manager utility and resolve your issue.

Resolve Steam Missing File Privileges Issue by Clearing the Download Cache

Steam displays a “Missing File Privileges” error because the app’s download cache has gone corrupt. The company recommends clearing this cache when you have trouble downloading or launching games. Deleting the download cache doesn’t delete your downloaded games or game progresses in your Steam app. However, you’ll have to log back into your Steam account when you’ve cleared your cache.

Repair Steam Library Folder

Steam uses a specific folder on your computer to store your downloaded game content. This game library folder may have become corrupt and unable to launch your games. Luckily, Steam has a built-in tool to repair your broken game library. Here’s how you can use that feature.

Verify the Integrity of Your Steam Game Files

You may be unable to launch your Steam game because your game files have been altered. Various items can cause that, including viruses and third-party malicious apps. In this case, you can use Steam’s built-in integrity checker to check whether your game files are intact.

Turn Off Your Antivirus to Fix the Missing File Privileges Error

Your antivirus software may have mistakenly detected your Steam game as a potential threat, blocking your access to the game. You can verify if that’s the case by temporarily turning off your antivirus protection. How you disable your protection depends on the antivirus tool you’re using. You can use the following steps to turn off the protection in Microsoft Defender Antivirus:

Uninstall and Reinstall Your Steam Game

If Steam continues to display a “Missing File Privileges” error when you launch a game, your game’s core files might be problematic. Removing and reinstalling the game is an easy way to fix this issue.

Uninstall and Reinstall Your Steam Client

If your “Missing File Privileges” error hasn’t gone away, your last resort is to remove and reinstall the entire Steam client on your computer. This helps fix many issues with the app, allowing you to launch your games successfully.

On Windows

On macOS

Stop Steam From Displaying the “Missing File Privileges” Error on Windows and Mac

Steam’s file privilege error usually results from a malfunctioning Intel process. However, it isn’t too difficult to resolve this problem, as all you have to do is make a few changes here and there on your Windows or Mac computer. Once you’ve resolved your problem, you can continue your gaming sessions in your favorite game launcher.

How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 73How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 48How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 23How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 9How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 23How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 66How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 70How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 19How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 26How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 32How to Fix Steam s  Missing File Privileges  Error - 34