Askbot is an open-source question-and-answer (Q&A) platform that is built on Python and Django. With Askbot you can create your own Q&A platform similar to StackOverflow and a few others. You can build an efficient question-and-answer knowledge forum with the best answers being shown first, categorized by tags, and user control with reward systems that give users karma for posting good and relevant information. For individuals and businesses looking to provide a Q&A forum, Askbot should come in handy. When you are ready to install, follow the steps below. To get started with installing Askbot on Ubuntu, use the guide below.

Install required packages

To install Askbot, these packages will need to be installed on Ubuntu. To install, run the commands below.

Install PostgreSQL

Now that you’ve installed the packages above, go and install PostgreSQL. To do that, run the commands below. After installing PostgreSQL, the commands below can be used to stop, start, enable and check its status This is what the status command shows

Create PostgreSQL Linux User Password

After installing PostgreSQL, it’s a good idea to create/change the default PostgreSQL user password. Run the commands below to create/change the user password in the bash shell and not PostgreSQL interactive shell. Set password for Linux user (Postgres) You should be prompted to create a new Linux password for Postgres users. After setting a new password, every time you want to access PostgreSQL interactive shell, you’ll be prompted to confirm the password you created after running the commands above.

Create PostgreSQL database

Now that PostgreSQL is installed, use the commands below to connect to its shell console. You’ll be prompted to type the password you entered above. On the shell console, type the commands below to create a new database called askbot. Then create a database user named askbotuser with a new password. Next, grant askbotuser full access to the askbot database and exit After creating the database and user above, run the commands below to edit the PostgreSQL configuration file and enable md5 authentication. Then at the end of the file, edit the highlighted lines to reference md5. After editing the above file, restart PostgreSQL

Install Askbot

To install Askbot, we’ll need to create a dedicated user account. You can do that by running the commands below to create a new account called askbot. They create a new password for the account. Next, make sure the command is can run sudo as root. When you’re done, run the commands below to install Python virtual environment (virtualenv). After installing, switch to the askbot account using the commands below. Then create a new virtual environment for Askbot. Change into the virtual environment and activate it. Next, install Askbot, Six, and PostgreSQL modules. Next, create a directory for Askbot and set it up. The setup command will prompt for environment details. Use this guide to answer; Next, complete the setup by running the commands below: Start the application You should now be able to access your app via the URL Login to the backend as admin If you can’t log in, create a super admin account by running the commands below: That’s it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to install Askbot on Ubuntu. If you find any error above, please use the form below to report.