With Zimbra Desktop, you can sync your emails, contacts, calendar, and other documents from all your online accounts directly into the app and access them locally. When you re-connect, all your data automatically syncs between the servers and your computer. Zimbra supports Yahoo! mail, Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, and any other work or personal email account that uses POP or IMAP. For more about Zimbra Desktop, please check its homepage.

Install Open Java

To use Zimbra, you must have Java installed. The open-source version of Java works great. The post below shows you how to install Java on Ubuntu. How to install Java on Ubuntu Linux To check if Java is installed on your systems, run the commands below. If Java is not installed on the systems, you should see the lines below notifying you that Java is not installed, but then suggesting Java packages and how to install them. Now all you have to do is select the package from the list you want and run the apt-get command. The default Java JRE is the one we one for this post. To install it, run the commands below: Accept the list of required packages that will also be installed by typing y for Yes. Doing that will install Open Java JDK/JRE on Ubuntu. Now when you run the command to check whether Java is installed, you should get the results below. And this is how to install Open Java JDK/JRE on Ubuntu.

Install Zimbra Desktop

Now that Java is installed, run the commands below to download and install Zimbra Desktop. First, visit the link below to download the latest version of Zimbra. You can use the commands below to download, extract and install the client. You should be prompted to answer the installation prompts. use the guide below to complete: If you have multiple versions of Java installed, run the commands below to set the correct version as the default. After that, run the commands below as a regular user so Zimbra Desktop can be configured for your profile. use the guide below to complete the prompts. Once Zimbra Desktop is installed, you can do double-click the icon in the Desktop, then Zimbra Desktop will open and the Configuration Wizard will show. Complete the setup and enjoy! Congratulation! You have successfully installed Zimbra Desktop on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 You may also like the post below: