Renaming AirPods pro can be handy when you don’t like how they are automated or in case you have got them second-hand. This guide explains how to rename AirPods using iPhone or a Mac computer. The same steps apply to renaming AirPods Pro and AirPods Max Pro.

How to rename AirPods on an iPhone

That’s all about it. Now device name has changed on your AirPods. You can change AirPod’s name from your Mac as well. 👉🏽 Also Read: 10 Unique iPhone 11 Tips and Tricks You Must Try

How to rename AirPods using a Mac

How to Rename AirPods on Windows Devices

For Windows users, AirPods may not be as compatible as you would like to be because of the differences in operating systems and brands. As a result, there will be shortcomings like automatic ear detection, Control with Siri, and customizable double taps. Still, you can enjoy some of the AirPods amazing features, which include renaming your AirPods. The only requirement is that Bluetooth has to be enabled on your PC. Follow these steps to rename your AirPods using a windows PC.

How to Rename AirPods on Android

Just like on Windows, Android devices are not fully compatible with AirPods, yet you will be able to experience the major features. Renaming AirPods on Android is as easy as on Windows. Just make sure your AirPods are connected to your device via Bluetooth. The process is very similar to how it’s done on iOS. Renaming AirPods is pretty simple, whether on your iPhone, Mac, Android, or Windows. Have doubt? double-check this guide, and pretty sure you can do it easily. Additional Posts:

  1. Then tap the AirPods listing.2. Select the current name of AirPods.3. Put your preferred name for the buds.4. Done. Once reset, connect the earbuds to your iPhone or Mac and try to rename them. Usually, doing so solves the renaming issue on AirPods.