Aren’t there many FREE WP Caching Plugins?

There are many free wordpress plugins currently in the plugin directory of wordpress. Some of theme are as follows:

WP Super cache W3 Total cache Quick cache WP Fastest cache Hyper cache

The reason for choosing a premium plugin

Better Performance:

The premium plugins has better performance than the free plugins. The caching capability of the premium plugins are superior than that of the free caching plugins.

Simple configurations

I used WP super cache and W3 total cache on my blog previously. Both these plugins has so many options that often I get lost and become confused which features to use and which features to not use. The configuration takes time and you need to have advanced knowledge of web development to know which feature is the best suit for your blog. I have seen in my clients site that they are using free wp super cache plugin but the preload feature is turned off by default. You will never know how important this feature is to reduce your site loading time. But who will care if this feature is turned off by default by the plugin developer? WP Rocket has fewer options to play with but promises you better performance of your wordpress site.


Free WP caching plugins do not facilitates customer support. If you don’t know what you are doing you can end up converting your well written blog to a blank page due to some htaccess conflict or directory permission issues. But premium caching plugin like WP Rocket offers you dedicate customer support so that you can get the best out of the plugins and a rescue team always ready if you messed up your wordpress site anytime.

WP Super Cache VS WP Rocket caching plugin head to head comparison


Performance Grade: 83 Load Time: 1.91s Requests: 53


Performance Grade: 91 Load Time: 699ms Requests: 43

WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Webpagetest Result

The comparison between WP Rocket and WP supercache is also tested on WebPageTest website. The result is pretty satisfactory.

WP Rocket vs W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache & Hyper Cache

WP Rocket website has a great comparison chart. It is very useful to know about all the extra features that WP Rocket offers.

WP Rocket settings Review

After installing WP Rocket I have enabled the following the settings in the “Basic settings” tab. Please be aware not to enable CSS minify option in “Files optimisation: (Minification & Concatenation)” . Your site design may become broken . At least this feature did not work out for me. Check the below setting to know about what I set for TechSpree Blog

Conclusion of WP Super Cache Vs. WP Rocket Comparison and Review:

WP Rocket worked like a charm. Site Loading speed was dramatically reduced and the user experience is improved after installing this plugin. I recommend you to buy WP Rocket if you want to rank your site well in the search engine ranking WAR. Please let us know which WordPress Caching plugin you use for your site in the comment section below.

WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 75WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 26WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 27WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 13WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 65WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 99WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 12WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 9WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 9WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 15WP Rocket Plugin Review   WP Rocket VS WP Super Cache Comparison - 95